Der Pharma Chemica
Journal for Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Computational Chemistry

ISSN: 0975-413X
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Articles in press and Articles in process

Evaluation of Hair Growth Promotion Activity of Rosmarinus officinalis Hair Lotion in C57BL/6 Mice
Author(s): Asia Begum, Syed Shaffath Ali, Anoop Kumar N and Sandhya S*

Phenotypic Diversity of BmNPV Isolated from Different Geographical Locations of South India: A Biophysical Study
Author(s): Madhuri Sathyanarayana*, S. E. Neelagund, Dayanand B. Sajjan and Rajat Hegde

Exploring Hybrid Molecules as Multifunctional Treatments for Alzheimer\'s Disease
Author(s): Nikhil Musale* and Bagade Shashikant

A Review on Transition Metal Oxide Electrodes For Supercapacitor Applications
Author(s): Sownthari K*, Thilagapragasini CK and Asmitha T

Seasonal Variation of Physico-Chemical Parameters of Groundwater in Yerraguntla Area of YSR Kadapa DT, AP-India
Author(s): Suresh P*, Bhagya Lakshmi K, Beebi SK, Priya Darshini S, Sailaja G and Lakshmana Rao G

Phytochemical Investigation of Diospyros melanoxylon Medicinal Plants
Author(s): S. K. Patil*, U. B. Chanshettib, C. B. Manec, M. K. Mahaled and S.D. Jadhavd

In-Silico Design, Evaluation of Flic-Escherichia Coli and Sonic Hedgehog Protein Mediated HER-2 Antibody-Antigen Complex for Breast Cancer Treatment
Author(s): Rajaganapathy Kaliyaperuma*, Ramalingam Sathiyasundar, Murugananthan Gopal, Balaji Pandiyan

Solvatochromic Studies of Chalcones in Alcohols
Author(s): Sujatha Khanapurmath, Netravati Khanapurmath, ShilpaNayak

Evaluation of Wound Healing Activity of Aqueous Extract of Polyherbal Preparation
Author(s): Pasupula Rajeswari*, Venkata Naga Jyothi, Sree Teja K, Jaha Sultana, Prsannakumari T

Antidiarrheal, Antispasmodic and Antioxidant Properties of Extracts of Conyza Canadensis
Author(s): Jamila El-Akhal*, Mohamed El Kabbaoui, Boukir Abdelatif, Tazi Abdelali, Bencheikh Rachid

In-Vitro Study on Anti-Urolithiatic of Brassica Oleracea Var Capitata Linn
Author(s): Rajeshwari Pasupula, Hawi Matewos, Gamechu Gurumu and Mohammed

Inhibitory Impact of Oxacillin on Corrosion by Using 1 M Hydrochloric Acid Solution
Author(s): Pruthviraj RD, Santhosh Kumar AS, Sudhakara Aand Ramesha S

Evaluation Parameters for Powder Flow Ability
Author(s): Shaveta Sharma, Teenu Sharma, Ashima Sharma and Mahak Deep

Formulation Development and In vitro Evaluation of Apremilast Floating Tablet
Author(s): Sanjesh Rathi, Dhaval Patel, Sohansinh Vagela and Ankit Chaudhary

Synthesis and Characterization of C7h11n3o2.2hcl ? A Histidinium Nlo Crystal
Author(s): Helen Merina Albert and C Alosious Gonsago

A Catalyst Free Simple and Efficient One Pot Syntheis of N-Benzyloxazolidinoe Derivatives.
Author(s): Mahesh Kumar, Rapolu Venkateshwarlua,b, Satish P. Nikumbha, Rajesh Jinkalaa, Vidavalur Siddaiahb, Shambhu Nath Singha, Hindupur Ramamohana, Akula Raghunadha

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Der Pharma Chemica- Journals on pharmaceutical chemistry