Research Article
Fabrication and Photovoltaic Characteristics of Alizarin Dye Based Dsscs
Author(s): Raman Kumar Saini, Pratap Singh Kadyan, Jasbir Singh, Shri Bhagwan and Devender Singh*
Nano-TiO2 layer was used as photoanode and redox electrolyte couple (I-/I3-) of inorganic (KI) and organic R4N+I- (quaternary ammonium iodide salts) with iodine (I2) were applied in acetonitrile solvent. Dye sensitized solar cells were fabricated with alizarin dye as sensitizer on FTO (fluorine-doped tin oxide) coated transparent fused silica substrate. The photovoltaic properties of DSSCs with alizarin dye investigated in expressions of short circuit current (Jsc), open-circuit voltage (Voc), fill factor (FF) and efficiency (ɳ) using J-V curve. The absorption spectrum of Alizarin dye showed peaks at 264 nm due to the π→π* transitions and 425 nm due to n→π* transition. The alizarin dye showed good thermal stability up to∼270â�?�??�?�?�?�??�?�?C temperature. The maximum efficiency was found excellent in DSSC wit.. Read More»
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