Evaluation of Hair Growth Promotion Activity of Rosmarinus officinalis Hair Lotion in C57BL/6 Mice
Author(s): Asia Begum, Syed Shaffath Ali, Anoop Kumar N and Sandhya S*
Phenotypic Diversity of BmNPV Isolated from Different Geographical Locations of South India: A Biophysical Study
Author(s): Madhuri Sathyanarayana*, S. E. Neelagund, Dayanand B. Sajjan and Rajat Hegde
Biology and Chemistry of Benzimidazole Derivatives as Antiulcer Agents: A Review
Author(s): Geeta Yadav*
Preparation and Evaluation of Herbal Shampoo (Ocimum tenuiflorum)
Author(s): Saurabh Shinde*
Review on Quinazoline Based Analogues, their Binding Sites with Various Fungal Strains and their Structure Activity Relationship Studies
Author(s): Aniruddhasinh M. Rana* and Kirtika Patel
Exploring Hybrid Molecules as Multifunctional Treatments for Alzheimer\'s Disease
Author(s): Nikhil Musale* and Bagade Shashikant
A Review on Transition Metal Oxide Electrodes For Supercapacitor Applications
Author(s): Sownthari K*, Thilagapragasini CK and Asmitha T
Seasonal Variation of Physico-Chemical Parameters of Groundwater in Yerraguntla Area of YSR Kadapa DT, AP-India
Author(s): Suresh P*, Bhagya Lakshmi K, Beebi SK, Priya Darshini S, Sailaja G and Lakshmana Rao G
Harnessing Nanobots for Early Detection and Targeted Treatment of Cancer
Author(s): Ashvini Shinde*
Phytochemical Investigation of Diospyros melanoxylon Medicinal Plants
Author(s): S. K. Patil* and U. B. Chanshettib
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