Biology and Chemistry of Benzimidazole Derivatives as Antiulcer Agents: A Review | Abstract

Der Pharma Chemica
Journal for Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Computational Chemistry

ISSN: 0975-413X
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Biology and Chemistry of Benzimidazole Derivatives as Antiulcer Agents: A Review

Author(s): Geeta Yadav*

A flexible heterocyclic moiety found in many synthetic and natural compounds is benzomidazole. Because of its wide-ranging effects, it has drawn interest from researchers all around the world for the treatment of many illnesses. Many proton pump inhibitors that have received clinical approval have been available on the market since the discovery of Omeprazole in 1988, which was the first inhibitor based on benzimidazole. But the primary focus of research is on the necessity of pursuing specific goals in order to lessen the adverse effects of proton pump inhibitors. In order to achieve these goals, numerous different proton pump inhibitor medication combinations have also been tested. At the moment, clinical trials are being conducted on a few novel and inventive formulations. In order to set the stage for future investigations, a thorough analysis of antiulcer benzimidazoles was conducted. Researchers and academicians would find this review paper useful in their efforts to create less hazardous and more therapeutically active benzimidazoles. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first attempt to compile important developments on benzimidazoles that have been suggested as antiulcer drugs. Academics and researchers in the creation of less poisonous, more therapeutically useful benzimidazoles. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first attempt to compile important developments on benzimidazoles that have been suggested as antiulcer drugs.

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